
Ain't nuthin like ridin' a fine horse in a new country - Augustus McCrae – Lonesome Dove

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Checking out Baker Lake Trail #610

Where we started on the trail~
Butch & I drove up to Baker Lake late on Sunday afternoon.  We found the place where Friday's ride started.  Reading the signs, I discovered that the burned old growth trees were from a small eruption of Mt. Baker years ago!
View from high above the lake~
Following the road, we really started to climb, stopping several times to admire the views.  Late evening in the high country couldn't look any better than this.
North end of the trail~
Heading back down & across the dam, we drove up the western side of the lake to the trail head at the north end.
Suspension Bridge
We walked in on the trail about 1/2 mile to check out the Suspension Bridge!  It is so long that it we went out into the river bed to get this picture.  Can't imagine what it must look like when it's full of rushing water!   This is where we'll complete our ride out if we're lucky enough to do the entire length of the trail!
Clear, Cold & Blue!
Butch admires the view~
A very long bridge & a very strong one!  Even with a light breeze you can feel it moving under your feet :-)  It will be an "adventure" to ride the 14.3 miles.  The major question will be whether the entire distance is passable on horseback.  We had one large tree that the horses had to jump on a narrow trail.
Early evening~
By the time we walked back to the truck, the mosquito's were out in force!  We'll need to have plenty of a strong repellant with us both at camp & on the saddle!  Butch has agreed to be our crew on this adventure.
Mt. Baker out of the clouds~
 What an incredibly beautiful place!  It was hard to leave...


  1. Sounds like an awesome adventure!

  2. Talk about a stunning view! I am loving those views.

  3. not complaining where I am, but oh, sigh, i miss those wet northwest forests!
    - The Equestrian Vagabond

  4. For the 28 days of "Summer" we've had so far - it's just so incredibly nice to have DRY trails! No mud! Have to enjoy it while we can!


Always Welcome~