Barn & Pasture~ |
I thought it would be hard, but when we woke, we were both just
ready to be gone! We'd already signed all the closing paperwork the week before. All of that week had been spent loading a second 20-ft. U-Haul for this trip. Hardly a square inch of space was left by the time we were done! Donnie's
eye for packing was again put to good use. She managed to get the last of our items to fit inside! Getting the Bronco on the car hauler at Pat's last evening - was scary! Only Butch could have accomplished it! We only had a couple inches to spare - to secure the oversize tires on the trailer!
Farah in her pasture~ |
Very rarely does Farah lie down - but this morning she did. I know - she knew - it would be her last time in this place. I hope having other horses near, will make up for the loss of her personal paradise. While Butch added Farah's things - I walked most of the
Homestead. Nika & I sat up on the swing one last time... I looked around at the familiar surroundings - realizing the top of the large Hemlock had blown down. It was sitting on it's broken end - just across the trail from the swing. About 30-ft. of tree top that will need to be cut up & hauled out... No longer my job!
Big Leaf Maple |
We didn't get to see the leaves get to full color this year, nor the creek running it's length. Both things I've looked forward to every Fall. It was almost noon when we loaded Farah & were ready to pull out.
On Our Way! |
I had to get the final photo of Butch driving the truck, camper & trailer out under the arch - now void of our entry signage. At the bottom of the hill, the U-Haul with Bronco in tow was waiting. Donnie came out of the house, to say goodbye... The goodbye's were the
absolute hardest... Pat & Donnie had been our very first friends, our very best neighbors & after all these years - like family.
I was a little nervous, driving the U-Haul - it was one long rig with the trailer & Bronco behind! By the time we arrived in Duvall & picked up daughter Courtney at the Safeway - I was feeling a little more comfortable. Son-in-law David came to tell us goodbye & that brought home to us - the finality of our decision.
Hoge Homestead - may your new owners treat you with respect, make improvements to your beauty & keep the forest intact. We will miss you forever ~
This completes the final post of this blog. For the continuation of our life & times - please visit us at the
Hoge Home Place!
Bittersweet. Good luck on your new adventure, what a lovely place you're leaving behind.