The neighbors field~ |
I wasn't to the top of the hill before I was hot! Even overcast, it was really humid from the ongoing drizzle that we received yesterday. I'd wanted to get Farah out all week, Monday Justin put her new shoes on - with pads & I wanted to be sure that I had all four gears :-)
Outflow from the big wetland~ |
I was almost soaked by the time we were up on the trails - all the Salmonberry overhanging the trails & everything had Grown! I was breaking branches & wishing I'd thought to bring my pruners - but really had no time for that.
It won't be long & I won't have to bring my grapes to snack on! Instead - I'll get to enjoy these berries! Yum!
Red Salmonberries |
They come in the two colors above - I have no idea why - since both taste virtually the same. We did some trotting, fast trotting, a couple short canters & Farah did a bit of her bucking - just to let me know that she feels just fine :-)
Thimbleberries, are also edible - but have a very dry flavor. I do love the blooms!
North end of our short loop~ |
Once off the power lines, we just headed for the small woods that has the trail where we loop back toward our favorite wetland - before heading back south toward home.
Slight breeze over the water~ |
With the pads, we trotted the power line, making it back home in two hours. The sun came out as we reached our gate, so Farah kicked back & enjoyed her bath. I loaded the saddle right into the trailer - then went up to pack her blankets.
Looking forward to miles of nice trails, seeing friends & enjoying the Big Mountain!
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