
Ain't nuthin like ridin' a fine horse in a new country - Augustus McCrae – Lonesome Dove

Friday, June 12, 2015

Fire in the Sky~

With the cold wind blowing all week - then the low tides, happening early to mid-afternoon & late sunsets, we didn't get the evening ride time we would have liked.   Janelle invited us along to visit the Mazanita street market!  Vendors booths were so colorful!  Full of fresh cut flowers, food, fruit & yummy baked goods of every description.  Butch & I decided on Crepes stuffed with wild caught salmon, cream cheese & fresh spinach!  Local musicians serenaded as we enjoyed our dinner.  Once back in camp though, we all decided that we just Had to get out there & get in that sunset Ride!
Sandy & I head down~
Staying on wet sand was pretty difficult, since the tide was rolling in!  Butch followed us down, hoping to get those sunset photos that we all love.
Both horses soon let us know that the sand fleas were out in force!
We'd ridden south up the beach for a way, then turned back - waiting for others from our group to appear, when both the horses started stomping & we saw the sand fleas hopping everywhere!  Farah was not in a very good mood, her evening - after dinner snooze had been interrupted.
Farah's Snarky look!
Anyone who's ridden with us has seen this look, but it was the first time it's been captured in a photo!  :-)  It must have been something Ody said!   This was the only time all week that he got this kind of response!
In a Huff~
When he walked away - she was suddenly in a hurry to catch up!  :-)
With our friends~
Soon, more riders appeared & we rode on north - mouths agape at the beauty of the setting sun, sea, sand & mist filled air...
Riding back the way we'd come~
It was a short ride, but so enjoyed by all...  I have to thank my husband yet again - for hiking up the trail & down through the heavy sand to get our photos!
 His photos speak for themselves~
It was so hard to turn our backs on the beauty...  But our fingers were getting numb & the horses were ready to be Done with the on-coming tide!  Later everyone said it was like riding  bombs ready to explode!  Sandy & I were glad we weren't the only one's who thought so!
Our last view from the top of the dunes~
Once we'd crested the dunes & were out of the wind, I could feel Farah deflate.  :-)  We waited at the bottom of the trail for Butch & headed back to our camp.  Butch got a fire going - warm, bright & with a hot tea in my hands - I about went to sleep!

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