
Ain't nuthin like ridin' a fine horse in a new country - Augustus McCrae – Lonesome Dove

Sunday, November 23, 2014

My Christmas "Wreath"!

Horse "Wreath"
I'd posted photos to Facebook, but when Butch got home last night - he asked if I'd posted something to my blog?  I hadn't!  Here's how it came about...  I'd heard about Pinterest for a while before I decided to join & set up a page.  That done, I started looking around & finding some really beautiful, interesting & smart ideas from everywhere!
One of the first photos I found~
Looking at different decoration ideas I ran across the pin above.  It looked like a lot of work & I wondered what they'd used for the wire base?  I pinned this to my page & soon it was re-pinned by someone else.  Checking out her ideas - I found the pattern for the base.
Pattern sold at Amazon.com
Without the time to order one, Courtney & I had already scheduled this day to make our wreaths at Machias Nursery.  I emailed my husband & asked if he could possibly find some wire & make me one?  He's been my "go to" guy for a long time now!  :-)  He came home with the wire re-bar that's used in brick installations - currently going on at his construction project!

He cut & bent by hand a freehand version of the pattern above!  That's when I got worried & really thought I'd taken on more of a project that I was up to!  I'd also sent another photo to Chris at Machias Nursery & she recognized the greenery for the mane as White Pine.
White Pine mane
With plenty of greenery - all fresh - (Since we were making these a week earlier than usual.) I had what I needed.  I'd searched for ribbon, without any luck - but Chris had found the nice dark red with a burlap look.  Once I had it home - I remembered that I have a amber, diamond cut glass piece & that worked for the eye!

It took all afternoon to get put together - but for my first attempt & I'm pretty happy with it!


  1. That looks great! Can't believe the Christmas season is almost here again already.

  2. also use a candy cane form and bend the neck some and it looks great

  3. you can also use a candy cane form, just bend the neck a bit


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