
Ain't nuthin like ridin' a fine horse in a new country - Augustus McCrae – Lonesome Dove

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Farah is Ten!

Returning to Camp - Quincy Trip~
It's almost impossible for me to believe today is Farah's tenth birthday!  Five-years since we brought her home (Post) to be my retirement ride.   The year I turned 60, Farah was five.  You can do the math - but if our luck & health hold, I'll be 75 the year she turns 20.
Farah at Ancient Lakes
Riding this mare is the thrill of a lifetime.  Every ride, every stride I appreciate her magnificent style.  She has brought miles & miles of joy to my life.  Each morning when I walk up to the barn & see those gold eyes looking at me - I smile.  Every time I saddle her up - I smile.
Heading out with our friends~
 What I've wanted for her from the very beginning, is to build her to be a well-rounded mare.  One that can do it all, from trail riding with friends, to an occasional endurance ride & anything in-between.  I don't think being fit enough to compete at endurance - should exclude the laid-back quality of a good ride with BCH friends.  Each time we are included in one of these rides, my admiration & respect for the people & the horses they ride, grows.

For her birthday present, I've scheduled an evaluation from a trainer who has a solid background in the thoroughbred racing industry.  My go-to place thanks to Dean's mentoring. :-)  I'm looking forward to getting some new insights & perspectives.  In making life as good as I can for her, I'm investing in our future together.  Working on our partnership, allowing it the room to grow & expand.  Steps to continue the learning process that should stand us in good stead - over the upcoming years of our next decade together!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Farah! I agree with you that an all-around horse is the best thing. I too want my horse to walk nicely while we take out a beginner and move out at speed when asked as well. But it takes a lot of work. Great job with Farah and here is to many more years to come.


Always Welcome~