
Ain't nuthin like ridin' a fine horse in a new country - Augustus McCrae – Lonesome Dove

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Trees Down~!

Weaving our way through~
It was an Epic day!   Epic in that I took the plunge & drove the Bronco & horse trailer with Farah in it - down Linda's new driveway!  What the heck, once we were down, we'd get in a ride - whether I got back up would be the trick :-)
Far views~
I wanted to go out to where we'd been months ago, just as the logging was finished & the last of the logs were being loaded onto the trucks.  Taking one trail, we were blocked by a huge downed tree - taking another - we made it through!
Such a beautiful area~
I told Linda, with views like these, I hope we never see expensive homes taking over this landscape.  The trees planted here are a mix - with Cedars too, so hopefully the tree farm is taking the long view here.
Linda & Count~
We made a huge loop, coming around to Baby Bear trail.  Farah hit the hill at a gallop, then hit the brakes just as fast - as this is a known lunch break spot :-)  She's moving so well in the Stonewall now.   I think it's taken her a few rides to realize that she wasn't going to be pinched on the downhills.
It seemed like everywhere we went there were trees down, sad to see the huge ones on the ground, even it areas of what I'd call deep forest.  Strange how the wind can take one tree out of many & knock it down.
Cascades, Whitehorse - no snow~
We took trails up to the top~
Lake McMurrary
Finally ending up at the Monument, by mid-afternoon.
Final Views~
Dropping down the steep trail, another tree had dropped lower - we didn't have to dismount, but it too will be on the chainsaw list.

There's going to be a trail clearing party on September 18th at 10 a.m.  Check out the link for further information.  This time, just getting the trails back open will be the priority!  Come!  Bring a lunch & be prepared to work!  :-)

Finally, back at Linda's, I loaded Farah, put the Bronco in 4-wheel drive, second gear & chugged back up the hill to the road!  Yippee!

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